
Vane Shear Testing

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Vane Shear Testing

IGS undertakes Electronic Vane Shear Testing by direct-push methods to measure the shear strength of soils.

We have two new state-of-the-art devices from AP Van Den Berg in Holland, where the torque motor and measurement transducer are at the bottom of the rods, just above the vane.

This eliminates the need for a slip joint or any other form of rod friction correction, as there is no rod friction; it’s great; it’s nice to use; it’s very factual.

This type of vane is particularly useful on jobs with very soft conditions where friction corrections can "swamp" the vane torque readings, making outcomes less reliable.

The device is fitted with a computer controlled torque motor so we can precisely control the vane rotation speed between 0.1 and 6 degrees per second. 

IGS also offers a range of vane sizes that help adjust the sensitivity of data readings for your site.     


IGS undertakes our own in-house vane torque-cell calibrations. We don’t know any others in Australia who do this. 

We think it’s “interesting” that many geo-people habitually use un-calibrated vane testing systems to “correlate” CPT test data.

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