
Piston Samplers for
Undisturbed Sampling & Disturbed Sampling

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IGS has a range of thin-walled undisturbed, and thick walled disturbed Piston Samplers available to sample clays, sands, sediments and tailings. 

The PPI 

The PPI (Piston Pneumatic Injection) sampler is our flagship sampler. We have two sizes available, 63 or 75mm diameter. Samples are about 800mm long and are arguably as close to undisturbed sampling as you will get by any means other than research-level block sampling. 

In accordance with BS EN ISO 22475-1 PPI samples are Category A, Class 1 – thin-walled undisturbed sampler.  

This sampler is used for undisturbed sampling of very soft to firm cohesive soils, sediments and fine-grained tailings. 

Typically, it is used for sampling for high quality laboratory strength and compressibility testing.

This is a thin-walled fixed piston sampler developed by IGS that:

The figure below is an extract from the technical paper “Performance Of An Innovative Direct-Push Piston Sampler in Soft Clay”, by Dr Jubert A.Pineda, Allan McConnell and Dr Richard Kelly, presented at the 3rdInternational Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA –2014.

The figure shows CT scan images of two PPI soft clay samples (left and center) and a standard U75 sample (right).

How it works

Ranger and Vertek Floating Piston Samplers

Our Vertek Samplers and our Geomil Ranger Samplers are floating piston devices that can take samples in almost any soil type. The samplers operate by direct-push; no borehole is required.

In soft to hard cohesive materials it is possible to retain the sample in either a U35, U46 or U66 configuration in a wax sealed thin-walled tube; diameter depends on the sampler deployed.      

IGS can provide: stainless steel tubes: solid grey plastic tubes or: a new innovation from IGS, clear acrylic tubes that allow viewing of sample within the tube.

Alternatively in all materials it is possible to take the samples in a split tube configuration, then bag them.  

In accordance with BS EN ISO 22475-1 Ranger & Vertek samples are Category B – thick-walled disturbed samplers.

More information on Ranger Samplers can be found on Geomil's web site. 

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